News and Events

M43 as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope

Wayne Barlowe

We regret to announce that Wayne Barlowe will not make it to Minicon.


Remember that Live Journal Community icon minicon’s LiveJournal is a good place to watch for Minicon news and that you’re welcome to post there with questions or comments before, during and after the convention.

Pre-con events

Volunteers at every stage will be most appreciated!

On Wednesday of the con at 4pm we will meet at the storage locker to load the truck. From there we’ll go to Dreamhaven to get the art show panels and printer. The storage locker is at 4325 Hiawatha. Getting in the car entrance on the side of the building requires both a car (to trigger the door to open), and a passcode (to open the gate inside the door). If you don’t have both, go through the front office instead. Call Keith at 763-232-6657 if you’re having trouble finding us.

We will have a work party the Wednesday night before the convention at Carol Kennedy’s, 3328 Colfax Ave S, Minneapolis at 7pm.

Setup at the hotel begins Thursday. We’ll start in earnest around noon, but some of us will be there earlier. Art show setup will start around 6pm. Note that we are using different rooms than in previous years! Look for us in the grand ballrooms and other function space near the pool.

Post-con events

The dessicated dodo party Monday night at Dean Gahlon & Laura Krentz’s follows the dead dog party Sunday night at the hotel. 4323 France Ave, Minneapolis. Time to be announced, possibly only at closing ceremonies, but 7pm is probably a good bet.

The devonian ductina party the next Saturday night (March 29) at Matt and Kelly’s follows the dessicated dodo party. 1631 Selby Ave #1, Saint Paul. Preceeding the party, at 3pm, we’ll have a Minicon 43 post-mortem meeting/Minicon 44 planning meeting. We’ll shift into party mode around 5. Feel free to show up then if you’re not interested in the meeting!