[This is a text-only version of the Minicon 6 program book, created in 2010. It does not attempt to reproduce the formatting of the original (except when doing so is trivial), but rather is meant to be as accessible to people and computer programs as possible. This file does not contain the text of advertisements. Errors may have been made in transcription, others are lovingly reproduced from the original. Check the scans if it matters to you which are which.] Program Book Minicon 6 the Stereo-opticon! Minicon 6 The Stereo-opticon Convention Committee Louie Spooner--Chairperson Larry Nichols--Secretary Margie Lessinger--Treasurer Linda Lounsbury--Registration Anthony Tollin--Hucksters & Publicity Joel Lessinger and Larry Nichols--Auction Ken Fletcher--Art show & Publications Tim Boxell--Program Book Art Editor Mary Merlin--Pro writer's content Jim Young--Chairman emeritus Dave Harsh, Chuck Holst, Al Kuhfeld, Bev Swanson, & Frank Stodolka The banquet will be held a 4:00 in the afternoon, Saturday. It will be a cold buffet of cold cuts, breads & cheeses, relishes, & hot spaghetti--followed by award announcements and a speech by our guest of honor, Ruth Berman. The convention committee will be selling banquet tickets ($2.50 per person) until midnight Friday. If you are taking a hotel room, please remember to mention that you are with the Minicon when you register with the hotel. This will ensure better blocking of our rooms. If you would like to form a discussion group on any topic, pick up a discussion group form at the registration desk. These will be posted for sign-up by interested convention attendees, and will allow the con-committee to announce the Topic, Time, and Place of meeting. If you have any questions about the convention, the hotel, or finding your way through downtown Minneapolis, don't hesitate to ask a member of the concommittee for assistance and information. We hope you have an enjoyable time at the Stereo-opticon. Thanks to Mike Wood for the use of his ditto machine. Cover art by Jim Young and Ken Fletcher. The following pages contain a portfolio of art by local Minneapolis fan artists, compiled by Tim Boxell. Included is work by Dave Harsh, Al Kuhfeld, Jim Odbert, Jim Schumeister, Dick Tatge GUEST of HONOR RUTH BERMAN I became acquainted with Ruth Berman slightly over two years ago. She was publishing T-Negative, a very well written Star Trek fanzine in need of artwork to add some color to its pages. I was a fan-artist searching desperately for a fanzine to discover me. Miraculously, my illos found her fanzine. Soon thereafter, I was startled to discover some very unusual aspects of Ruth's fan-publishing. Examining closely the publishing dates of her Trekzine, I discovered that she had published seen issues in the first year of its "bimonthly' existence. Now anyone who's been around fandom for any length of time knows that such a thing just isn't done in fandom. A fanzine claiming "bimonthly" publication is published quarterly at best, while a far more realistic figure is annually. Had I known more about Ruth, I wouldn't have been as surprised, for I would've known that Ruth Berman had published nearly as many fan publications as the rest of Minn-Stf combined. The first issue of her fanzine, All-Mimsy, was published before she discovered fandom itself. 23 issues of a genzine, Neolithic, soon followed. (continued--) Minicon 6 the Stereo-opticon Program--- Friday April 7 12:00 Noon Registration opens. Set up of hucksters, art show, & games areas. 7:00 Opening Meeting--Introductions, drawing for pro writing contest. 7:30 BEM Panel: Tim Boxell, Al Kuhfeld, Dick Tatge, & Jim Young. 8:30 MOVIE: "New Dimensions in Speculative Fiction" (a seminar hosted by Harlan Ellison). 9:30 PARTY SUITE OPENS Saturday, April 8 11:00 Registration opens. (Art show, hucksters, games) 12:30 MOVIE: To be announced. 2:00 Auction: Joel Lessinger & Larry Nichols, auctioneers. 4:00 BANQUET: Presentation of artshow awards, reading of the winning contest stories, and a speech by our Guest of Honor, Ruth Berman--all following our enjoyable buffet. Announcement of Minn-Stf elections. Costume contest awards. 6:00 MOVIE: "The Day the Earth Stood Still" 9:30 PARTY SUITE OPENS 12:00 Midnight SCA Baronial Costumed Feast Sunday, April 9 11:00 Registration opens. (art show, hucksters, & games) 12:30 Auction: Joel Lessinger & Larry Nichols, auctioneers. 3:00 Closing meeting, convention status report, critique, MSFS, Inc, news. (Ruth Berman, continued--) As she became better acquainted with fandom, she applied her energies to an attempted revival of the Minneapolis Fantasy Society, and entered the fannish sport of sports, conhopping. She was soon bitten by the APA bug, as she cranked out 19 issues of Pantopon for FAPA, 26 issues of Dinky Bird for SAPS, and 107 (whew!) issues of Roquat for Los Angeles fandom's weekly APA-L. Yes, Melvin, even six issues of Pooka for the Children's Fantasy APA. She has had articles published in such diverse zines as Yandro, Cry, Spockanalia, Amra, Shangri L'Affaires, The Baker Street Journal, among others. Ruth's fanac was not to be limited to any one fandom, though. Through the years, she has built up an excellent collection of OZ materials, and as founder of the Professor Challenger Society, she published half-a-dozen Sherlock Holmes fanzines. Ruth developed an appreciation of NBC's STAR TREK series which, coupled with her fannish experiences, made her a valuable addition to the staff of Lincoln Enterprises, where she edited Inside Star Trek, the show's official newsletter. Later, she would continue her STrek fanac in her own fanzines, T-Negative, and the Star Trek Song-book; and as director of the Karidian Light Opera and Piano Moving Company's production of Filbert and Sullivan's space aperetta, "H.M.S. TREK-A-STAR". In recent years, her poems have been published in several literary magazines, including Saturday Review, and she has had a story published in Four Quarters. Another story, "Ptolemaic Hijack", appeared in World of Fantasy (Spring, 1971) while two other stories, "3-OK" and "Stretch of Time" have been accepted by the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and Analog, respectively. --Anthony Tollin