ReinCONation 6 Program

Friday, October 18

7:00 - 7:30 pm. "Not Quite So Late Night with David Emerson" (Opening Ceremonies).
Featuring guests Jan Bogstad, Spider Robinson, and Jeanne Robinson.
7:30 - 9:00 pm. Fiction Reading: Jeanne Robinson, Spider Robinson.

Saturday, October 19

11:00 am - noon. Reading: Jan Bogstad reads assorted fiction and nonfiction.
Noon - 1:00 pm. Panel: "Stranger Than Science Fiction."
Margo Bratton, mod.; Hilary Posner. Looks at mainstream fiction with "soft magic" and strange story elements.
1:00 - 2:00 pm. Panel: "It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time: The Early History of Minicon."
Don Bailey, mod.; Margie Lessinger, Linda Lounsbury, Frank Stodolka.
2:00 - 3:00 pm. Panel: "A Question of Method: Science Meets Magic in SF."
Jan Bogstad, mod.; Eleanor Arnason, Cathi Currier, Bruce Glassco, Phil Kaveny. Looks at speculative fiction dealing with the cusp between science and magic and the co-use of science and magic. Includes discussion of the works of John Crowley, Umberto Eco, Marge Piercy, Mary Gentle, and Meghan Lindholm.
3:00 - 4:00 pm. Panel: "What's the Coolest Thing You've Heard/Seen Lately?"
Rex Bryant, mod.; Spider Robinson, Jeanne Robinson, Jim Minz.
4:00 - 5:00 pm. Slideshow/Talk: "Four Months in the Middle Kingdom."
Jan Bogstad. Pictures of China ranging from 3rd century BCE artifacts to current Chinese science fiction authors.
5:00 - 6:00 pm. Panel: "The End of Work?"
David Emerson, mod.; Bruce Glassco, Sharon Kahn, Harold C. LeBlanc II, Jim Minz. What does the Digital Age mean to the world of work?
6:00 - 9:00 pm. Dinner Break.
9:00 pm. The Fabulous ReinCONation Cabaret.
Headliner, Spider Robinson; emcee, Barb Jensen; lighting effects by Richard Tatge; Reed Waller, playing guitar and singing; Elise Matthesen, reading; Nate Bucklin singing some of his original songs; music by Barb Jensen and David Emerson; Terry A. Garey reading poetry; and more!

Sunday, October 20

11:00 am - noon. Fiction Reading: Stephen Dedman.
Noon - 1:00 pm. Panel: "Gender Identity in Cyberspace Fiction."
Jan Bogstad, mod.; Eleanor Arnason, Eric M. Heideman, Jim Minz. Includes discussion of works by Jane Fancher, Marge Piercy, Melissa Scott, Maureen F. McHugh, Neal Stephenson, Amy Thomson, and Lisa Mason.
1:00 - 2:00 pm. Reading: "Fans Read Fans."
Terry A. Garey, host; David Emerson, Denny Lien, Jeff Schalles, Geri Sullivan. Participants read some of their favorite fanzine writing out loud.
2:00 - 3:00 pm. Panel: "Collaboration." Hilary Posner, mod.; Jeanne Robinson, Spider Robinson. The dos and don'ts, ups and downs of doing creative work together.
3:00 pm. Closing Ceremonies.
David Emerson, emcee; Spider Robinson, Jeanne Robinson, Jan Bogstad.
Afterwards. Unofficial Beatles Jam with Spider (location to be announced).

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ReinCONation is sponsored by the Minnesota Science Fiction Society, Inc.