Minicon 44 logo


These hours are probably final, but for the most up-to-date information, check your pocket program.


Friday: 10am-10pm
Saturday: 9:30am-8pm
Sunday: 9:30am-11am

Outside of these hours, you can register by going to the bar (room 218, above the pool). Let the badger outside the consuite/bar hallway let know that you need to register.


Friday: 4pm-9:30pm, including opening ceremonies at 7pm
Saturday: 10am-9:30pm
Sunday: 10am-3:30pm, then closing ceremonies at 4pm.

Dealers, Art Show and Science Room

Friday: 3pm-7pm
Saturday: 10am-6pm
Sunday: 11am-4pm


Consuite: Opens Friday 3pm, remains open continuously as long as anyone is awake, closes for closing ceremonies.

Bar: Open for volunteers Thursday night. Opens Friday 5pm, remains open continuously as long as anyone is awake through late Sunday night.


Open gaming: 24h throughout the con.

Scheduled gaming: Friday, Saturday and Sunday starting at 1pm. See the gaming page for details.


Concerts run from 8-10pm Friday and 6-10pm Saturday.

The open music circle will start late and run into the wee hours.

Film Room

Friday 9pm continuously through Sunday 11pm.

Blood Drive

12-3pm Saturday.


Here are maps of the hotel. For maps and directions to the hotel, see the hotel page.

On the first floor: Kids' Programming is 
in a suite by the pool.  Gaming is by the pool.  Parties are in rooms 
south of the pool.  Concerts and Music Programming are in Ship Side.  
TGIFriday's is to the east.  Burger King is to the north.  The blood 
drive is in the east parking area. On 
the second floor: The consuite and bar are in suites above the pool.  
Programming is in Verandas 7/8, 5/6, 3/4 and 2.  Readings are in Veranda 
1.  Music Circle is in Grand Ballroom East A.  The art show, science 
room, dealers and con sales are in Grand Ballroom Center and West.  
Signing and Registration are outside the Grand Ballroom.  Programming is 
in the Bloomington room.  Films are in the Edina room.